The Mertz Family Happenings

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Name Game

So, I am officially half way through my pregnancy.  Actually more than half since we know my c-section will be 1-2 weeks ahead of term and possibly sooner if this baby decides to come earlier as Noelle did!

There is still so much to do:

  • Go through the endless totes of the kid’s old clothes.  Noelle’s to organize for the new baby and Thomas’ to get ready to sell at Once Upon a Child since this will be our last baby.  I’m definitely putting this one off.  I can’t bear to get rid of Thomas’ baby things just yet.  I’m rationalizing this by thinking it’s possible that both of the ultrasounds were wrong and we might possibly be having a boy and I might need those clothes.
  • Buy Noelle new furniture for her room and get her out of the crib that the baby will need to occupy.  I need to get on this one so that Noelle will be comfortable in her new bed before the baby comes an she won’t be jealous!
  • Continue potty training Noelle so that I won’t have two in diapers.  Always a plus!
  • Paint the baby’s room and install the ceiling fan.
  • Choose a name for this little girl.

Can you guess which one I’ve chosen to work on?  Yeah, the least labor intensive one.  What should we name this baby?

To be honest, we have pretty much settled on Carly.  But now we must settle on a spelling and a middle name.  We have been debating on Carly vs. Karly.  I think I like the “C” spelling best because it seems more classic and less made up.  I do like the “K” a little because then she and I would have the same initials.  That seems like a funny reason to give your child a name with and odd spelling though.

One of my least favorite naming practices is when people give their children two middle names.  I don’t really have a reason for this I just think it seems confusing and unnecessary.  So, when we had Noelle guess what we did?  We gave her TWO middle names!  Dave and I felt really strongly that we wanted to honor two very special relatives in her name.  Dave’s grandmother, Elizabeth and my sister with Renea.  We thought about having her first name be Elizabeth but we couldn’t come up with a nickname that we both liked and we really loved Noelle.  So, she became Noelle Elizabeth Renea. 

The bad part is that we rarely refer to her by her full name.  If we want to call her by her middle name it usually just comes out Noelle Elizabeth to which she replies, “Don’t call me Elizabeth”.  I always feel bad because I feel like we are leaving an important part of her name out but saying all 3 is such a mouth full!

Now the question is, should this baby have two middle names just like Noelle?  Our original answer was no.  The plan was to name her Carly Ann Mertz.  Ann is my middle name.  But recently I’ve been thinking about giving her two middle names and including my great grandmother’s name as well because she is so special to me.  I have so many happy childhood memories at her home.  Her name was Emma Rilla.  Oddly enough, she hated the name Emma and went by her middle name.  That would make our choices either Carly Ann Rilla Mertz or Carly Ann Emma Mertz.  While it’s different I’m leaning toward Rilla (rhymes with vanilla) because that’s the name she went by.  And her husband’s name was Carl and even though it wasn’t intentional Carly will be a nice tribute to him too.  

I’m having such a hard time deciding which name we should go with, any input would be greatly appreciated.  We only have 18-19 weeks to make a decision!


  1. I am not much of a naming help since I had the name Boston picked out years ago, but didn't have the guts to do it until I was walking out of the hospital with the baby! I really like the name Carly and I love the middle name Emma. I think Rilla is hard to roll off the tongue but it's your do what feels right to you! Good luck!!

  2. Wow! Congrats on the new baby girl..or the soon to come new baby girl! I don't have any suggestions on the name but the ones you have are great! I have a cousin that is Carly Ann!

  3. Since you are asking for opinions, why not Carly Rilla Ann Mertz?
