The Mertz Family Happenings

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

We did a lot today!



went to the dentist, yay, no cavities!



took Thomas to school.


HPIM2600went cake tasting with Katrina.  Yum!

We…HPIM2602 had dinner at Grandpa’s house and then dropped Noelle off with Grandma.

So that we…





could go to the Ports game!

I’m exhausted!

Monday, May 18, 2009


I’m going to continue on with blogging about the things that I love.  Today’s subject:  Dave.  I love so much about him but today I mainly want to mention how I love that, through him and our relationship, I have found pieces of myself that I didn’t know existed.   Since our relationship began I have grown in so many ways, as a spouse, as a mother, and as a woman.  I love that we always have something to talk about even though he is famous for never talking.  I love that the majority of the time we just “get” each other and know what the other is thinking or feeling without having to say it.  I love that  he has opened my mind to so many new things.  In the past few years I have developed a love of many different kinds of food and cooking, crosswords (even though I will never be as good at them as Dave is), documentaries, boxing,  and many different books that I would never have chosen for myself.  And finally, the one thing that he introduced me to several months ago that I can’t get enough of is National Public Radio.  I totally love it!   Dave has always listened to NPR but I usually turned it off as soon as I got in the car but for some reason we ended up listening to it one day and I was hooked.  I love listening to the news, all of the human interest stories, the movie and book reviews and everything else I’ve  heard to be honest.  I’m totally converted and I’m even trying to get Michele on board.  So, if you’re local check out 91.3.

Dave Softball

I titled this post “Ramblings” for a reason though so , lets move on.

This next portion is a cry for help… I have been looking for ways to be more thrifty and ways to save our family a little money.  If you have any advice I would love to hear it.  I’m also looking for great recipes.  I think I spend half of my life trying to figure out what’s for dinner.  I would love any of your favorites.  My kids are not picky so send whatever you can think of.  If you don’t want to post them in the comments feel free to e-mail me at

And one last thing, I think my sister and Melissa are the only ones who have a link to my blog on their blogs…. So, somebody please add me to their links so I don’t feel like such a loser!!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


One of my other favorite things to do, aside from Sundays with my dad, is our traditional Mexican breakfast with friends from work.  We all head to Manteca, the wrong way home from work, to eat at La Estrella.   We lovingly refer to this ritual as our “family breakfast” at “Australia” in our terrible Spanish accents.  We have a great time eating, talking, and being rowdy.  It’s a good thing we are usually the only ones there so early in the morning.  I love the Cherry Coke, the chile rellenos, the shrimp rancheros, the green salsa, the friends, and the fun, and I love sleeping in the car on the way home! 

Sunday Breakfast