The Mertz Family Happenings

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Karly Ann Mertz

The OR was what I remembered from my two previous c-sections.  I was very upset that Doctor Rine, who delivered both Thomas and Noelle, would not be there, but the on call doctor seemed nice and knowledgeable.

After a little trouble getting the spinal in and an extended time getting through the scar tissue, baby Karly Ann Mertz entered the world at 3:44 pm. 

Then came the dreaded silence.  No newborn baby cry.  I did what every mother would do and promptly started throwing up profusely in between repeating, “She’s not crying.  Why isn’t she crying?’  Dave did his best to reassure me but I could see the fear in his face.

They started working on her in the delivery room but quickly moved to an outer resuscitation room that could be seen through a window.  They soon called a code blue and more and more people piled into the little room to help. 001This was my first image of her as I looked on from the operating room.  Dave moved in out out of the rooms, checking on Karly and trying to console me.  I was in and out of sleeping due to the meds and throwing up over and over (I know, too much info).  Dave got right in and started helping the nurses and doctors care for Karly.  He said he actually grabbed a stethoscope off of someone’s neck so he could listen to her lungs!  That’s so Dave!  He told me later that the whole time he was thinking in his head how he was going to explain to me that our baby had died… so sad.

002Karly was born with her umbilical cord wrapped around her neck, she was blue and for those of you who might be interested her apgars were 4 and 6.  She had bilateral pneumothoraces (collapsed lungs).  She also has an epulis, which is a benign tumor of the gum.  If you google this word please know that hers does not look anything like the pictures you will come across.

Karly was rushed to the NICU and I was taken to recovery.  Dave followed Karly, along with the rest of the family who had been anxiously waiting in the hallway as they saw all the people rushing in and out.

Our day had changed dramatically.  This was something I had not expected.

IMG_5202Karly Ann Mertz

May 28, 2010

3:44 pm

5 pounds, 2  ounces

18 3/4 inches


  1. I didn't know any of this! I had to call my mom after I read these posts to see if she knew anything, and now that I've snooped Michelle's blog I am so happy to see Karly is home and doing well. I look forward to reading the rest of the story. This brought back a lot of memories for me. I'm so glad she's home with you now and hope she'll get to stay there now! She looks so sweet, though. Soft and round, even for a five pounder. I'm anxious to hear more.

  2. I didn't know you'd started posting about Karly. After reading Michele's email a while back, (or was it her blog?), all I knew is that she's been flown to Oakland for a 'procedure'. It wasn't until I thought to check Facebook, that I saw the photos of her at home! So relieved! She is adorable---I commented I think, anyway, I'm glad you're all home and recovering from the trauma and settling in. You've been in our prayers, that's for sure!
