We had a fun Memorial Day weekend! Dave went down to Visalia for three days to spend some time with the boys so Michele came and stayed the weekend to keep me company. On Saturday, we took the kids to have their pictures taken in honor of Noelle’s second birthday and then went back to Michele’s house to hang up the new blinds she bought for the bedrooms. That was an experience! It’s a good thing we didn’t have the camera! By the end Michele and I were both tired and frustrated but the blinds were up and looked great! We came back to my house and let the kids play outside with the neighbors until the street lights came on.
One of my favorite things about our new house is our neighbors! We have finally moved to a neighborhood that has children to play with! Thomas and Noelle are having a great time getting outside each evening and playing. Thomas loves the little boys next door and is learning so much from them. He has finally started riding his bike instead of his scooter all the time and has been playing all kinds of new games like four square, wiffle ball, and hide a go seek (the right way, not the way you play with your mom in the house). Noelle loves the neighbor’s dogs and the fact that Daddy will always get her something when the ice cream man comes around!
When Dave got home on Monday we decided to take the kids to the zoo at Micke’s Grove. It’s fun there because it’s just big enough that the kids have a good time and see lots of cool stuff and it’s cheap!
And finally, Dave has been working super hard in the yard since we have moved in, turning them from yuck to beautiful! Here are some pictures he took of his favorite flowers.